
Reinventing Financial Services
‘Reinventing Financial Services. What consumers expect from future banks and insurers’ is the first book on the future of financial services that puts customers centre stage. The book is written by VODW partner Roger Peverelli and 9senses partner Reggy de Feniks, and published by Financial Times / Prentice Hall. The book is available in English, Spanish, German, Italian, Russian, Portuguese (for Brazil), and French. Chinese will follow shortly.
Each new edition includes our latest thinking and additional content related to the target market: extra interviews with industry executives and thought leaders, best practices and research data.


June 1, 2012
VODW proud partner of TEDxAmsterdam

VODW entered a partnership with TEDxAmsterdam. The theme of the 2013 TED conference is The Young. The Wise. The Undiscovered. In search for the most inspiring ideas auditions have just taken place.

May 16, 2012
Customers first in El Mundo and MarketingTribune

Leading Spanish newspaper El Mundo features our article ‘Ante todos, los clientes’ (Customers first). article
Our article in Dutch MarketingTribune introduces the leverage points where banks and insurers can make customer centricity tangible. article

May 2, 2012
Roger invited to blog at BANKNXT

BANKNXT is all anout innovation in financial services. Other bloggers include Chris Skinner (the Finanser), Jouk Pleiter (Backbase) and Bradley Leimer (Mechanics Bank California). Join the movement!

April 18, 2012
April and May: speeches in Oxford, Edinburgh, Berlin, Moscow

Friday 27 April we will share our vision on the future of financial services at the International Cards and Payments Conference that takes place at Oxford University.
Tuesday 15 May we will discuss ‘The Future of Cooperation Models and Partnerships’ at EBADay, the annual conference of the Euro Banking Association in Edinburgh.
Wednesday 23 May we will give a guest lecture at Humboldt-Universität in Berlin and fly on to Moscow for a key note speech at the Russian Bankers Strategy Club on Thursday 24 May.

April 10, 2012
The future of mobile banking: restore trust and become part of life

The Mobile Payments Guide 2012 ‘provides an in-depth look at the global mobile financial services ecosystem, with insights from key stakeholders and top-level industry thought leaders’. And for some reason we were also invited.
How the industry looks at mobile is a perfect example of Marshall McLuhan’s ‘horseless carriage syndrom’.
Read more in our article …
For the Mobile Payments Guide 2012, click here

March 31, 2012
What private banks can learn from Riva and Cartier

MarketingTribune features our article with Jean-Noel Kapferer, branding guru and author of ‘The Luxury Strategy’, the book he wrote with Vincent Bastien, former CEO of Louis Vuitton (in Dutch).

March 16, 2012
New articles in Russian and Spanish

Leading Russian financial magazine Analytical Banking Journal features a long article about Reinventing Financial Services. article
Spanish Borsadiner Professionales reports on the key note speech of Roger at a recent EFPA conference: new trends in asset management. article


March 12, 2012
Manuscript German edition ready!

We are pleased that the mauscript of the German edition of our book is now ready, and that so so many executives from leading instutions and highly acclaimed professors from Germany, Austria and Switzerland have contributed. Among others Roland Boekhout (ING DiBa), Christian Deuringer (Allianz), Markus Perlwieser (Deutsche Bank), Herbert Walter (former CEO Dresdner Bank), Horst Schmidt (Bethmann Bank), Amir Tabakovic (Schweizerische Post), Tilman Hengevoss (Zurich Financial Services), Otto Lucius (Karl Franzens University Graz), Marcel Beutler (Nettobank – Wegelin), Hans-Peter Schwintowski (Humboldt University Berlin), Matthias Kroener (Fidor Bank), Gianfranco Bisagni (UniCredit Austria) and last but not least Egbert Deekeling (Deekeling Arndt Advisors). Stay tuned for the launch date!

March 4, 2012
The French edition of our book is doing well

‘Reinventer les Services Financiers’ is on the ‘recomended’ shelfs of all major bookstores, among others at Fnac and Virgin.

February 25, 2012
Roger is appointed to the Advisory Board of Backbase

Backbase is the leading bank 2.0 software company.
Other advisory board members include Brett King, author of bestseller ‘Bank 2.0′

February 14, 2012
Finished the manuscript of the Brazil edition

Third author for this edition Karina Milare and Fabricio Fudissaku of TNS Brasil added a lot of research data and best practices from Brazil.
Furthermore it includes additional interviews and contributions from thought leaders such as Fabio Barbosa (former CEO Banco Real), William Salasar (Febraban – Federation of Brazilian Banks), Berry Marttin (Member executive board Rabobank Group) and Johnson Marques de Sousa (Mapfre).
The book is expected to launch in May.

February 3, 2012
It is all about customer centric change

Banking Review features our article on implementing customer centric change. We identified over 50 leverage points across the organisation where customer centricity shoud be tangible. Very useful to identify where you are now and to set the roadmap to a customer centric future. Read more…

January 25, 2012
Challenging times for private banks

This week’s MarketingTribune includes an article about the challenge of private banks. They need to redefine their business model in view of increasing costs transparency. At the same time they need to anticipate rapidly changing consumer demands.
Read article

January 23, 2012
Identity crisis

‘Muchas entidades financieras sufren una crisis de identidad’ is an interview in financial newspaper Expansion. Banks in many countries are experiencing an identity crisis. Also in Spain.
Read article

January 17, 2012
Meeting with the French financial press

Today we met with the French financial press. Benoit Legrand, CEO of ING Direct France, presented latest research. Proximity paradox: 55% of French consumers feel their bank is close to them. Customers of online bank ING Direct: 74%. Who needs branches?

From left to right: Roger, Benoit Legrand, Caroline Ollivier-Lamarque and Reggy.

January 17, 2012
Cocktail at Galerie Le Feuvre to celebrate the French edition

Co-author Caroline Ollivier-Lamarque organised a cocktail at Galerie Le Feuvre, in the middle of the Paris fashion district, to thank the contributors of the French edition. Drinks and finger food while discussing the latest country credit ratings, enjoying the art of JonOne and Lu Peng and of course … the book
Do visit the gallery when you are around. Franck Le Feuvre just composed a new exhibition: AmerIKONology. www.galerielefeuvre.com

January 12, 2012
What will the future of private banking look like?

Dutch magazine Balans, issued by Van Lanschot Bankiers, features an interview about the (perceived insufficient) added value of private bankers.

January 6, 2012
New articles in Russian

The Russian edition of our book continues to generate publicity.
‘Focus and simplicity are keys to success’ in Tinkoff Live Journal features the interview with Oliver Hughes, president of the bank Tinkoff Credit Systems, that is also in the book.
‘Banks hunt for customers in supermarkets’ in World News (Kazachstan) and ‘Banks disguised … like supermarkets’ in Rosbank Journal are actually identical, apart from the title (we found out).

December 22, 2011
Press coverage Russian edition RFS

The launch of the Russian edition of our book was well covered by the financial press in Russia. Check out articles in Bankir, Arguments and Facts, and in Finparty. All in Russian by the way …

December 16, 2011
VODW: number 1 ranking in survey Management Team

Each year Management Team magazine asks Dutch executives to rank their consultants. We are proud that for the second year on a row VODW has been awarded a number 1 position.